Tuesday, January 31, 2012

street lights flicker

as i walked the city street
back to my new home
street lights flickered to life.
it used to be that they would burn out
when i walked beneath them
in my past.
things are changing.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

names weren't needed

friday night
underground noise show

the night ended on a couch with a woman that i had just barely met

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

all in a days "work"

i spent the night in a strangers bed
when i awoke, i felt the halls to be full of ghosts
no one else
i seem to be on the verge of my ideal life

i've been posing as an employee at a nearby university cafe
(with a stolen uniform)
with this scam, i've received as many free meals as i've needed
luck seems to be on my side

i've given up alcohol
i've seen it cause more harm than good in my life
i don't need it
on my way to free bus ride
(with an outdated student ID card)


Sunday, January 15, 2012

untouched snowfall, untouched heart

you must wake before most of nature
to see an untouched snowfall.

i was kept up later than usual last night
by hauntings of a past love
i believe that i'm better now.
with such a beautiful countryside
how could i not be?
these woods have told me secrets
that others only wish they knew
but a light rain is falling on the day-old snow
i must move on.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

it's was a new year and i was far away

discussions with my father about the future
we talked on the existence of (a) god(s)
and practical applications of anarchism thought
it ended on a better note than i had thought it might
i guess i do believe in a God
but i need to work everything out in my head
as for this year
it's going to be one to remember
hold on tight