Throughout my day-to-day I seem to counterfit brand-new strategies, cutting-edge rip-offs, and innovative culture jams.
I refer to these as "scams". How can I live even more liberated from one day to the next? This evolving freedom not only releases myself from the secular constraints of this world but allows me the time to share and love those around me on an entirely higher level. How do we survive in a political/economical/educational system that thrives off of the very act of exploiting each and every one of it's members (aside from those who can finance their way to the top of the pyramid, of course)?
Some scams have existed for centuries. Some were invented around the time that our grandparents were born. We've all heard of shoplifting. I'm sure that the term hobo or tramp may sound familiar even though their original defintions have been lost.
What new scam have I come across today? I'm sitting in a community college library as I type. I hitchhiked out here yesterday evening and spent the night with a beautiful friend that gave me her college i.d. and password. Instant access to an amazing library space and high-speed internet, not to mention a warm retreat from this cold Michigan winter.
It's almost Valentine's Day. This will be my first year in over 7 years without. But I'm an imposter, I'm a wanderer. I never stick around for too long. I'm still learning to depend on The Almighty.