Thursday, March 20, 2014

Safe Travels, Thank You, Lord

I was able to pull my travel bag
off of it's hook in the back of my closet
this morning.
The first time since winter hit.

I decided that I was going to hitch
to the country
to my folk's house in the orchard.

It was time for our maple trees to be tapped
and there was work to be done.

A bus ride to the outskirts of the city
Lady luck was with me
I caught three rides
with little effort.
23 miles covered in the cars of strangers.

But alas
My journey was almost complete.
No strangers stopped
for the shivering traveler
in his trapper hat
walking alongside the road
of his childhood years.
3 miles covered on foot.

Clouds filled most of the sky
but a wind was coming from the west
"which is the best"
and a good sign of no precipitation to come
in the next 12 hours

The sun would burst through
every few minutes
and I would look up
long enough to warm my face

I was shouting Fall Out Boy lyrics
and enjoying scenery and sounds
that had become foreign to me.

Such as the squeak of my alice pack frame
every time I lift my left foot.

I miss the natural beauty of a backwoods landscape.
I miss the silence that a life in the country brings.

And as always
I began questioning
why it is so difficult
for us to JUST LIVE.
Without a need
for more
that we don't need.

Thank you, Lord,
For my safe travels.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nightmares of The Workplace

This morning I woke from a frightful dream
It felt so real that I truly believed that it had happened.

I was prepared to pack my things and move into my parents house.
The thought of job-hunting terrified me.

It seemed a normal day.
But when I arrived at work..
I was called into speak with my boss.
She told me that they "just had to let me go."
I was devastated.
The best job of my life.
It was over.

My depression soon vanished.
I remembered a quote from one of my favorite books,

“Getting fired is the best thing that could happen to any of us. 
That way, we’d quit treading water and do something with our lives.”

I was free.
Simply so.
I went to pick up my last paycheck
and thanked my manager
for her part in my liberation.

As I slowly gained consciousness
I smiled.
I didn't have to go to work 
because I no longer had a job.
Then I realized that it had only been
successions of images, ideas, emotions, ands sensations
that had occurred involuntarily in my mind
during my sleep cycle.